I made a bicycle repair stand the other day. I got the idea from a reader submission in Bicycle Times magazine. If you get the magazine you can see the submission. If you don't know what a magazine is, congratulations you are a useless millennial.
The reader used a workmate stand to make his own version of a Euro-style workstand that's often seen outside team buses at the Tour de France.
I figured I would make my own using a Burro Brand sawhorse because donkeys make everything better.
The only other thing I bought for my workstand was a 100mm skewer. The rest of the project was built using crap I found in the garage and some nuts that were in my sock drawer. Total investment was about $25 U.S.A. fun dollars.
Burro Brand claims that this bad boy is rated for up to 2000 lbs or 1.3 Kim Kardashians. It should be able to support any of my bikes.
The front and rear supports are made with blocks of wood glued together to get the necessary width. However, I still added about 3 washers to each side of the front skewer. The black things are little plastic feet that came with some Ikea furniture that I forgot to install. I drilled some holes in them and put them through the skewer like a boss. I hope I don't need them later...
The rear support was a bit more involved. I used a 1/2 inch bolt to secure a longer board near the center of the saw horse. The slot allows the board to slide back and fourth about 5 inches to support bikes with different wheelbases. If I need more adjustment in either direction I have plenty of room to extend the slot. The strips on either side keep the board in alignment with the sawhorse.
This is a closeup of my nuts. I used two to avoid the need for over-tightening the assembly. Other methods may also work well but this keeps the board snug enough, but not too snug to permit single handed adjustments.
Front detail.
Bottom bracket detail.
It works! (Patent Pending)
I built this thing on my spare time over the course of 2 days and so can you! I could have sanded it and made the bottom bracket support prettier by putting a little curve in it but I'm too lazy. I'll probably just glue a piece of a door mat on the top to avoid damaging cable guides. I'll be using this to wrench on my Disc Trucker project. I'll appreciate having the front fork clamped down when I do things like wrap handlebars or adjust brakes and shifters. Remember, it's righty-tighty / lefty-loosey.